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analog_joystick.ino 2.78 KiB
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//include the third party library to manage HID
#include "HID-Project.h"

//declare understandable var to recognise button in the code, the X and Y axis of the analog joystick
const int analogJoyButton = 2;
const int joystickX = A0;
const int joystickY = A1;

int lastButtonStatus[32];

void setup() {
  //define the diffent pin of the arduino as input
  pinMode(analogJoyButton, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(joystickX, INPUT);
  pinMode(joystickY, INPUT);

  //initialise the gamepad

//function that will be executed again and again and again...
void loop() {
  //to keep the loop clean and understandable
  //joystick management externalised to another function
  //Button management externalised to another function
  ButtonCheck(analogJoyButton, 1);
  analogJoyAxisCheck(joystickX , joystickY);

void analogJoyAxisCheck(int joyX , int joyY) {
  //initialise variable that will be needed
  int xMap, yMap, xValue, yValue;

  //read the input value of the analog joystick x and y axis
  xValue = analogRead(joyX);
  yValue = analogRead(joyY);

  // after playing with the joystick and sending
  // value in the serial bus Serial.println(xValue); and Serial.println(yValue);  
  // it appears that center of joystick is x:517 and y:531
  // max/top y: 1023 min/bottom y :0
  // max/right x: 1023 min/left x :0

  //we map the scale to transform value from 0 to 1023 into something from -32765 to 32766
  xMap = map(xValue, 0, 1023, -32765, 32766);
  yMap = map(yValue, 0, 1023, -32765, 32766);

  //once we have the matching coordinates, we can send it to the gamepad

// function that check the button state
// the parameters are
// inputNB => the pin nb of the button of the analog joystick
// gamepadButtonNb => which gamepad number will be pressed when the analog joystick is pressed
void ButtonCheck(int inputNb, int gamepadButtonNb) {
  //we check and store the button status
  int ButtonVal = digitalRead(inputNb);

  // if the button state have changed, it means the user pressed or released the physical button
  if (ButtonVal != lastButtonStatus[inputNb]) {

    // if the status is LOW, it means the user pressed the physical push button
    // remember, the INPUT_PULLUP invert the value
    if (ButtonVal == LOW) {
      //don't forget to update the last status of the button
      lastButtonStatus[inputNb] = LOW;

      //and then we "press" the gamepad button;
    else { // if the input is HIGH, it means the user released the physical push button
      //don't forget to update the last status of the button
      lastButtonStatus[inputNb] = HIGH;

      //and then we "release" the gamepad button