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# python-snake

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python-snake is a side project I developped in order to practice Python
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## Installation
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so far, the project is not using specific dependencies other than the basic python module
I developped it using Python 3.8.2
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clone the repo with
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`git clone
cd python-snake
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## Play
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there is a intermediary menu where you can exit or choose the play mode (only in terminal for now)
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to move the snake you can use the keyboard arrow 
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### Customize the grid size
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right know if the grid does not fit your terminal, you can change the size 
by editing the file **_pythonsnake/controller.py_** at line **32**
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` = Game(50, 25)`
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## Limitation
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it is far from perfect but it is good enough to try 
this project is a proof of concept, some part could be improve
the refresh of the screen is blinking and the event listener for the control are not responsive all the time